2016年11月19日 星期六


Malala's journey from near death to recovery

   It began with a ride home from school on Tuesday, October 9.
  Gunmen halted the van ferrying Malala Yousafzai through her native Swat Valley, one of the most conservative regions in Pakistan. They demanded that other girls in the vehicle identify her. Malala had faced frequent death threats in the past.
  Some of the girls pointed her out. At least one gunman opened fire, wounding three girls.     Two suffered non-life-threatening injuries, but bullets struck Malala in the head and neck.The bus driver hit the gas. The assailants got away. Malala was left in critical condition. An uncle described her as having excruciating pain and being unable to stop moving her arms and legs.
  Doctors fought to save her life, then her condition took a dip. They operated to remove a bullet from her neck. After surgery, she was unresponsive for three days.

  Now, it is nothing short of a miracle that the teen blogger, who fights for the right of girls to get an education, is still alive and even more astounding that she suffered no major brain or nerve damage.  
  In hardly more than four weeks, she went from an intensive care unit in Pakistan, showing no signs of consciousness, to walking, writing, reading -- and smiling -- again in a hospital in the United Kingdom.
  Less than three months after being gunned down, she was discharged from the hospital to continue her rehabilitation at her family's temporary home. Her father is now employed at the Pakistani Consulate in Great Britain.
  On Wednesday, doctors announced that she is expected to undergo groundbreaking surgery in Birmingham, England to repair her skull.
  And beyond her hospital room, a world sympathetic with her ordeal has transformed her into a global symbol for the fight to allow girls everywhere access to an education.
  The United Nations even declared November 10, Malala Day as a day of action to focus on "Malala and the 32 million girls like Malala not at school."
 Structure of the Lead
WHO :Malala
WHEN:on Tuesday, October 9
WAHT:Gunmen halted the van ferrying Malala Yousafzai through her native Swat Valley,bullets struck Malala in the head and neck
WHY:She fights for the right of girls to get an education
WHERE:with a ride home from school 
HOW:   a world sympathetic with her ordeal has transformed her into a global symbol for the fight to allow girls everywhere access to an education.
2.Gunmen :持槍者
4.assailants :襲擊者
5.run away:逃走
7.intensive :緊張的
8.discharged :施放
9.rehabilitation :復原
10.Pakistani Consulate:巴基斯坦領事館
11.sympathetic :同情的
12.transformed :改變

2 則留言:

  1. It seems like a she is a person who really has brave spirite then Shakespeare had said" she is small but strong";I really admire her.

  2. Because of Malala, a legendary girl, more and more girls can have a complete education. I really admire her.
