2016年10月31日 星期一

Alpha Go

 A Google computer victorious over the world's 'Go' champion 

  On Saturday, a Google computer clocked its third consecutive victory over Lee Se-dol, the long-reigning global champion of the world's most complex board game. That win makes the machine the clear winner in a best-of-five series.
  The achievements of the Google DeepMind computer, AlphaGo, are considered a significtant advancement in artificial intelligence.
  Games can last for hours, and winning requires immense mental stamina, intuition and strategy.

   "Go is the most profound game that mankind has ever devised," Hassabis said, before the games against Lee started. "Go is a game primarily about intuition and feel, rather than brute calculation, which is what makes it so hard for computers to play well."

   Last October, AlphaGo convincingly defeated the European Go champion, Fan Hui, obliterating him in five consecutive games. The computer's victory was considered a huge breakthrough, occurring roughly a decade sooner than experts had expected.
  AlphaGo's wins are an astonishing success for the world of artificial intelligence, but futurist Dr. Michio Kaku said Friday that its simply a "sophisticated adding machine."
  Humans will still ultimately win the war against computers, because of things Kaku, and other futurists such as Ray Kurzweil, say can't be computed -- love, leadership skills, innovation and common sense."People who are involved with intellectual capital will be the winners of the future," Kaku said.
Structure of the Lead
WHO :Lee Sedol and AlphaGo
WHEN:October, May
WHAT:A Google computer victorious over the world's 'Go' champion 
WHY:  Games can last for hours, and winning requires immense mental stamina, intuition and strategy.
WHERE:Not given
HOW:AlphaGo's wins are an astonishing success for the world of artificial intelligence

AlphaGO: 一種人工智慧程式
best-of-five series:五連賽
mental stamina:心理耐力
intellectual :知識份子